Anonymously unintimidated
I love the obligatory justifications that Post reporters come up with in keeping with the paper's policy of telling its readers "why unnamed sources refuse to be quoted by name," but this one takes the cake:
Preaching With a Vengeance
Pat Robertson's Fierce Rhetoric May Have Diminished His Political Clout
By Lynne Duke
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 15, 2005; Page C01
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Pat Robertson: The rhetorical hit man who opined several weeks ago that Chavez, the Venezuelan president, should be assassinated now has thrown down the gauntlet for senators who oppose Miers's nomination for the Supreme Court.
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A Senate Republican source burst out laughing when told of Robertson's threat on the Miers nomination. "I don't know anybody on the Hill who's going to quake in their boots when Pat Robertson issues some sort of a threat or a decree," said the source, who requested anonymity to protect his boss.
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